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Theosophical Society Fife Programme


Welcome to the Theosophy In Scotland Fife page.



On Wednesday 18th February 2015 in The Painted Teapot, 263 High Street, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1JH



Visiting from Germany, who will talk about the 3rd Reich and its effects on the German people, lasting into this century. Petra is a qualified German psycho-therapist, Family Constellations facilitator & spiritual seeker. She will facilitate


·         A short constellation about "the relationship between Scotland and Germany" (to feel the "energy" between the two nations or what else might come up in the group) plus asking for personal experiences of people in the group with WWII and the Nazis (which are two different aspects.)

·         She will then talk about the following, from her own experience and research.

·         "How could this happen? - brain wash and propaganda"

(this includes the "Fire symbol" on the TS International logo, which was reversed for use as the infamous Swastika of the Nazi organisation )

·         Is the success of the 3rd Reich due to a typical "German character"?

(includes psychological experiments in USA)  Perpetrators, followers and resistance - profits, fear and failure

·         The organization of concentration camps - how they used psychological means for terror


Awakening - the emergency of destroyed identities, the weight of overwhelming guilt and shame


                    refugees, hard working women, broken fathers, and the "forgotten generation" of the children

                    typical inherent brain programs to survive trauma - denial, soul loss and materialism

                    long term consequences of WWII and the Nazi time in descendant generations

·         personal experiences as a "grandchild" of the war and as a worldwide traveller with "German passport"

·         open space for questions, comments or personal experiences

Petra wishes to make clear, nothing of what is said is meant to diminish the suffering and shocks other nations were confronted with during the Nazi time or during the war. On a metaphysical level Petra believes it is necessary to comprehend how "evil" is working and how it can affect any person and any nation both as victims or as perpetrators. There may be people in the audience who had severe losses in their families as well and there is still often a (subliminal) hatred against Germans in general (as far as she has felt this on her journeys).

 She will not focus on political aspects much, as they can be found in books and on the internet and the whole issue is already a more than one event- filling program.


There is no explicit spiritual aspect in the way she would like to present the issue because there is not much reliable information known about the "black magic" the SS used (The SS, the terror group, called "Schutz- Stafffel", first founded as body guards for Hitler, later on became a huge para- military police group for "special tasks" who controlled the population from big events to every village with fear and rigidity). As far as she knows they worked with Runes and symbols and held "special" ceremonies. The churches as big institutions were much involved, the Pope even gave his blessing in 1936, although priests were often active in resistance. She believes TS members could, perhaps, add much more about the effect this "dark time" in German history had e. g. on "Karma" and she would be grateful to learn more about it from what may be our deeper knowledge.


All are welcome to this special talk. Booking is not essential. Doors open at 18.45 for teas, coffees etc and social time. Please arrive by 7pm. The talk will begin at 19.15. We will leave the building by 5mins to 9 to allow the lovely staff to go home. Further discussion in Betty Nichols hostelry is possible.


Admission is free. We encourage everyone to buy a drink from the cafe as Nicola shares her space with us as a donation to our work. Any financial donations towards our speakers' costs will be gratefully received. You can help us also by going over the best mobile casino in Canada. Every deposit you make will go directly to our cause so you can game for a good cause if you will. We wish you luck and prosperity. or contact to book a seat.


The Theosophical Society welcomes people of all Faiths and none. Our motto is “ There is NO Religion Higher than Truth” We part of a nucleus of people dedicated to co-creating a peaceful Brotherhood of Man beyond creed, race, class, gender, education, financial fluidity etc.etc.

We study and discuss all belief systems with respect, We explore to uncover the latent gifts inherent in Humankind, to Serve the best for ALL. Some of our members are International speakers and some are ordinary folk who have an interest in exploring their understanding of Life. All are equal.

ALL are welcome to listen and to share their views and experiences, held in the unconditional Love of our Guardians, Guides, Angels and Spiritual Teachers, with no insistence upon agreement.

Theosophists can also belong to the Theosophical Society. They share a belief in re-incarnation. Not all members of the Theosophical Society are Theosophists.

O Hidden Life, Vibrant In Every Atom
O Hidden Light, Shining In Every Creature
O Hidden Love, Embracing All In Oneness
May Each Who Feels Himself As One With Thee
Know He Is Therefore One With Every Other









There is no religion or law higher than Truth 

H.P. Blavatsky


Three Objects of the Society


  1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.
  2. To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Science.
  3. To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in Man.



The Esoterica Magazine:

Winter/Spring 2011 Vol2 no1


"The word Theosophy has been used for many centuries; it is a compound word of Greek

origin meaning Wisdom of the

Gods (Theos - of Gods,

Sophia - wisdom). Wisdom

cannot be enclosed within

words, it is Truth which must be

discovered and experienced.

Each of us must find our own

'Truth' and strive to understand

our own spiritual nature"




Theosophical Society